There's no time like now to DIVERSIFY your reading!
Recently, a white co-worker of mine- an especially smart, savvy, liberal, forward thinking colleague- with a voracious appetite for reading, that to narrow the selection, she's taken books by white men out the mix for awhile ... And for Black History Month she's focusing entirely on African-American writers and subject matter. While I commend her for her decision, diversifying (aka focusing (not exclusive, but focus) on minority and women writers) my reading is something I've been implementing for the past couple of years, and it's been true source of enrichment and delight, while also helping to narrow down the selection pool (there are sooo many good books out there!!!!). For this month, I'll feature and rotate brief reviews/ write up on some of my favorites. For now, a short list below should get you shopping, borrowing, swapping and reading ... - UNDERGROUND RAILROAD, novel by Colson Whitehead (just released in PAPERBACK- YAY!) - REAL AMERICAN, memoir by Julie Lythcott Haims (see my full review here) - JUST MERCY, social issue non-fiction by Bryan Stevenson (see my full review here) - AMERICANAH, novel by Chimanamanda Ngozi Adichie - WE WERE EIGHT YEARS IN POWER, politics/social non-fiction by Ta-Nehisi Coates (I can't emphasize enough how powerful and searing this book is. Every black person and every white person should read this!) -I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS, a classic novel by Maya Angelou (there are some books worth re-visiting) More to come (not a title, just a promise from me).